Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Some Before and After Pics of Syria Will Make You Cry

Syria was once a Large City. Recently a war Started in Syria which made this beautiful country into Something we can never imagine. War can Bring almost anything down. Same thing can be seen in Syria. It took 100 Years to Make Syria as it was but it just took less than a Day to just Destroy this City. War can never be justified. Olympia Restaurant has published some pictures that you need to see.

Before                                                                           After  

Source (Bored Panda , Olympia Restaurant , Anonews )

#Syria #War

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The Worst Masturbation Mistakes You Can Make

From 'strangulation' to gangrene, here are few ways masturbating can go horrifically wrong

When it comes to masturbation, simple equals safe. But since variety is the spice of life, plenty of guys have decided to shake up their masturbation routines with exotic techniques or foreign objects. Spoiler alert: This usually does not end well.

Take, for example, the 27-year-old man who decided it would be fun to constrict the flow of blood to his penis—similar to what a penis ring is designed to do—by sliding a plastic bottle onto his Johnson. You can see where this is going.

The bottle became stuck, “strangling” his penis and causing distal edema—a rapid accumulation of blood in his shaft that caused it to swell to twice its usual erect girth, according to case report in the Indian Journal of Surgery.
Fortunately, this guy’s penis returned to normal size after doctors cut the bottle away. (They have no idea if the man suffered any long-term effects because they never heard from him again—presumably because he was too embarrassed to answer their follow-up calls.)
After 2 days of vomiting, fever, scrotum swelling, and muscle pain, a 29-year-old finally decided to visit the ER. Doctors eventually diagnosed him with Fournier’s gangrene, a rare type of microbial infection.
The cause? He’d masturbated so frequently that he’d opened up abrasions on the shaft of his penis, which left him vulnerable to infection.
Doctors treated him with antibiotics and several rounds of skin-grating surgery to re-insulate his severely chafed penis from the elements.

Though usually associated with vigorous sex, one comprehensive review study in the journal Trauma and Acute Care Surgery found just 19 percent of penile fractures—a.k.a., broken penises—occur during sex. A whopping 60 percent happen while men are masturbating.
The most common cause? “Angulation and manual compression,” according to the study.
Basically, guys were squeezing too hard and stroked down at the wrong angle, causing a rupture of their rod’s corpus cavernosum—the cylindrical tubes that fill with blood when you have an erection. 
Swelling and leaking, as well as a dozen other complications, can cause permanent loss of function, though typically the condition is fixable, the study authors say.
Penile fractures aren’t always the result of a too-enthusiastic hand motion.
According to various case studies detailed in the Canadian Urological Association Journal, multiple men have broken their penises while masturbating in moving cars. (The vehicle stopped suddenly, causing a collision between the penis and steering wheel or dashboard.)
Also making the study’s list: Breaking the penis by hitting it against the wall of a shower—presumably after slipping while masturbating—and hitting the side of a cocktail shaker too forcefully while trying to masturbate into it. (For this last one, no further circumstantial details were provided, unfortunately.)
Do not stuff things into your penis. Maybe that seems obvious, but if case reports are any indication, at least one guy reading this will have decided it was a good idea to cram something into his urethra to stimulate himself during masturbation.
Unbelievably, two different men decided independently that feeding stiff electrical wire into their wangs while spanking the monkey was a good idea.
One of the guys pushed the wire so far down his shaft that it coiled in his bladder.
In both cases, doctors had to perform surgery to remove the wire. Miraculously, both men fully recovered.
Read on if you want to keep yours healthy for life
For all the attention they direct below the belt, most men actually know very little about their penises.
Here’s the knowledge you need to keep yours healthy, strong, and ready for action—for life.
Smoking can shorten your penis by as much as a centimeter.
Erections are all about good bloodflow, and lighting up calcifies blood vessels, stifling erectile circulation.


Doctors can now grow skin for burn victims using the foreskins of circumcised infants. One foreskin can produce 23,000 square meters, which would be enough to tarp every Major League infield with human flesh.


An enlarged prostate gland can cause both erectile dysfunction and premature eejaculation. If you have an unexplained case of either, your doctor’s looking forward to checking your prostate. Even if you’re not.

The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds. Women get 23 seconds.
Which means if women were really interested in equality, they’d make sure we have four orgasms for every one of theirs.
The oldest known species with a penis is a hard-shelled sea creature called Colymbosathon ecplecticos.
That’s Greek for “amazing swimmer with large penis.”  Which officially supplants Buck Naked as the best porn name, ever.
Circumcised foreskin can be reconstructed. Movable skin on the shaft of the penis is pulled toward the tip and set in place with tape.
Later, doctors apply plastic rings, caps, and weights. Years can pass until complete coverage is attained....Okay, we’ll shut up now.

If you think rebuilding a foreskin is weird, you should read the story of how doctors built a man an 8-inch penis in our Crazy But True Tales From a Penis Doctor.
Only one man in 400 is flexible enough to give himself oral pleasure. It's estimated, however, that all 400 have given it their best shot at some point.
There are two types of penises. One kind expands and lengthens when becoming erect (a grower).
The other appears big most of the time, but doesn’t get much bigger after achieving erection (a shower).
An international Men’s Health survey reports that 79 percent of men have growers, 21 percent have showers.
German researchers say the average intercourse lasts 2 minutes, 50 seconds, yet women perceive it as lasting 5 minutes, 30 seconds. Are we that good or that bad?
Turns out size does matter: The longer your penis, the better “semen displacement” you'll achieve when having sex with a woman flush with competing sperm.
That’s according to researchers at the State University of New York, who used artificial phalluses (ahem) to test the “scooping” mechanism of the penis’s coronal ridge. Next up: curing cancer.
The penis that’s been enjoyed by the most women could be that of King Fatefehi of Tonga, who supposedly deflowered 37,800 women between the years 1770 and 1784—that’s about seven virgins a day.
Better-looking men may have stronger sperm. Spanish researchers showed women photos of guys who had good, average, and lousy sperm—and told them to pick the handsomest men. T
he women chose the best sperm producers most often.
No brain is necessary for ejaculation. That order comes from the spinal cord.
Finding a living vessel for said ejaculation, however, takes hours of careful thought and, often, considerable amounts of alcohol.
The most common cause of penile rupture: vigorous masturbation. Some risks are just worth taking.

That's not the only self-inflicted damage you can do.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

How to Read Someone’s Mind Telepathically (10 Telepathy Secrets!)

Almost everyone has wondered how to read someone’s mind telepathically at one time or another. Whether you’re someone who wants to know if your crush has the same feelings or you’re a concerned parent wondering if your child is keeping secrets, the idea of discovering someone else’s thoughts has captivated humans for thousands of years.

This is not about cold reading

If you do a Google search on how to read someone’s mind telepathically, you will come across many websites where trickery is discussed – namely Cold reading and other alternate methods. These methods are usually employed by people who have ulterior motivations in mind, financial or otherwise.
Rather than actually performing a mind meld or linking with someone telepathically, these cold readers use observational techniques such as watching body language, nervous ticks and taking notice of people’s clothing and other clues in order to create a profile of the people you’re trying to read.

Once they’ve done this, they can seemingly predict events and divulge information that appears to be genuine, and sometimes amazing, to the audience. Sometimes, they also utilize fishing techniques, which leads the audience to tell them things about themselves without realizing they’ve done so.
On top of that, they sometimes use hot reading, where they may have eavesdropped on their targets or gleaned information behind the scenes. They usually ask leading questions or use vague statements, such as “You have a lot going on in your life” which can create a sense of knowing and false trust.

If you really want to learn the truth about how to read someone’s mind telepathically, read on for some great tips that will teach you how to prepare and practice real skills that will create a deeper bond between yourself and others, as well as a meaningful understanding of those around you.

What is Telepathy?

Derived from the words “tele” – which means distance and “patheia” – which means feeling, the word Telepathy could be literally defined as a distant feeling or sensing from a distance. Thought of through the ages as the communication between two minds, Telepathy is transferring and receiving thought.
This incredible phenomena happens more frequently than you might think. Have you ever thought of someone and then they call or email you? Have you ever said something as someone else laughed and said “I was just thinking that”? If so, you may have experienced Telepathy first hand, however it’s worth mentioning that those events can also occur as a co-incidence.

How do you read someone’s mind telepathically?

There’s more to it than just performing a magic spell or wishful thinking. You need to learn how to create a true link with others, which starts with attuning your own mind. Discover how to read someone’s mind telepathically in the following 10 secret steps:

Secret One: Have Faith in the Process

Both you and the “target” person (the Sender and the Receiver) need to believe in telepathy. Coming at it with a skeptical mind can harm the subtle energies and thought processes involved in creating a telepathic link. At least keep an open mind and trust that your desire to be successful will enhance your experience and bring results.

Secret Two: Be Patient

Keep in mind that it’s not an exact science and don’t expect something from a fantasy movie. Remember that practice makes perfect and you may not see positive results straight away. Keep open and watch for anything out of the ordinary, in case you miss something subtle in the moment, yet powerful in the long run.

Secret Three: Choosing a Partner

Ensure that the person you choose to assist you in your experiments is someone who is like-minded and open to sharing their thoughts. It’s also better if they are someone you are close to and someone you trust. Make sure they are on the same page, and someone who knows how to relax and focus.

Secret Four: Understanding the Roles

There are two roles involved in Telepathy: the Sender and the Receiver. Make sure you discuss and decide who will send the message and who will receive it. The Receiver needs to keep their mind blank in order to receive the message and the sender needs to focus carefully on the message being sent.

Secret Five: Preparing Mind, Body and Spirit

Starting off with meditation is key, but first off – make sure you didn’t eat or drink something that will disrupt your session. Sit opposite each other and go into a deep meditation, where you will both focus on creating a connection. Filter out distracting thoughts and prepare for sending/receiving the message.

Secret Six: The Message

Keep it simple, like an image or emotion, symbolized by a simple visual. To start with, use something like a flower or a smiley face. You might even choose a single word. You can create more complex messages as you grow stronger with your practice. Try not to hint with facial expressions, and definitely don’t accidentally mention it before the session or choose something that you were recently discussing.

Secret Seven: The Reveal

On one hand, try not to blurt random things out if you’re the receiver, but on the other hand – if you think you’ve got it, tell the sender. You might have discussed alternative methods of revealing the message, like writing it down on a piece of paper, etc. Whatever the method, try to remain focused, however – the first thought is usually correct.

Secret Eight: Discuss

You might find that you were not successful. It might be that the Sender wasn’t sending a clear message or the Receiver wasn’t focused. Compare notes and see if the message was close but not entirely accurate. If the Sender was thinking of a flower and the Receiver saw a garden, it’s a partial success.

Secret Nine: Practice and Repeat

Even though you might be enthusiastic, try not to exhaust yourselves and therefore think of it as an arduous task. Keep your sessions short – no more than twenty minutes at a stretch. Have a break, come back and try again. Remember to keep the channel of communication open, maintaining the connection.

Secret Ten: Experiment

As you progress, you might come up with fun ways to experiment, such as having the Receiver in another room, and using more complex messages such as music, sentences or particular thoughts. Use Psychic flashcards, called Zener cards, or prepare programmed dreams to share. You are only limited by your imagination.

Further Learning

In the following, fascinating video, from the Fifth Dimension’s documentary on Mental Telepathy, you will learn all about telepathy, including how humans and animals use it, how it has been used by Government agencies as well as how it works and the ramifications involved.

As mentioned earlier, you are only limited by your imagination. See if you can forge a link with your animals by calling out their name in your mind or by thinking of them. Try staring at the back of your partner’s head and see if they turn around. You might surprise yourself!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

10 most expensive gadgets in the world 2017

While most of the good gadgets are expensive, there are some that are really expensive. As, ever since smartphones and other gadgets have become a quintessential part of our lives, luxury designers have been launching jazzed up versions of popular devices that suit the rich and famous.

Want to see some of the costliest gadgets in the market? Check out our list of 10 most expensive gadgets…
iPhone 5 Black Diamond — $15 million
iPhone 5 Black Diamond — $15 million
Made using 135 gram solid gold of 24 carat, the $15 million iPhone 5 Black Diamond took nine weeks to build. The chassis was inlaid with 600 white diamonds, while the Apple logo on the back boasts of 53 of these gems. Apart from these precious materials, this phone also utilizes sapphire in the screen.

The highlight of this black-and-gold iPhone 5 is the single, flawless black deep-cut diamond that has replaced the home button. Weighing 26-carat, this black diamond belonged to a Chinese businessman who commissioned this phone from luxury product maker Stuart Hughes.
iPad 2 Gold History Edition — $7.8 million
iPad 2 Gold History Edition — $7.8 million
Want modern technology embedded with a piece of history? Stuart Hughes has created an iPad 2 that boasts of the shavings of the bone of a 65 million-year-old T-Rex dinosaur. That’s not all. The device’s front frame is made using Ammolite, the oldest rock in the world, dated as many as 75 million years back.

This gadget is also encrusted with 53 flawless diamonds, weighing 12.5-carat. The back panel as well as the Apple logo of this iPad 2 are made using 24-carat gold and weigh 2kg. Priced at a cool $7.8 million, only two units of this iPad 2 Gold History Edition have been made 
 by Stuart Hughes.
Hart Audio D&W Aural Pleasure loudspeakers — $4.7 million
Hart Audio D&W Aural Pleasure loudspeakers — $4.7 million
The most expensive pair of speakers in the world was made by Hart Audio in 2012 as part of its Aural Pleasure range. Priced at $4.7 million, there is only one pair available in the world, made of 18-carat gold. Five sets of silver speakers were also made, costing $315,000. The solid phosphor bronze speakers are priced at $63,000, with stocks limited to a total of 99 pairs.
Camael Diamonds iPad — $1.2 million
Camael Diamonds iPad — $1.2 million
Diamonds are a girl’s best friends, goes the saying. How about a diamond-encrusted iPad worth $1.2 million? This gadget is crafted with 18-carat gold and has 300-carat diamonds on the back. The Home button in the front and the Apple logo on the back are made using black diamonds. Made by Camael London, this gadget weighs over 1kg.
Macbook Air Supreme Platinum Edition — $500,000
Macbook Air Supreme Platinum Edition — $500,000
Apple products are among the most expensive in the world and luxury brands are taking it a notch up. Not just iPhones and iPads, but Macbook laptops have also undergone the luxury treatment. The Stuart Hughes Apple MacBook Air Supreme Platinum Edition is made using platinum weighing a massive 7kg, with only five units available across the world. Even without all the diamonds and sapphire, this iteration of Macbook Air costs approximately $500,000.
Nintendo Wii Supreme — $497,300
Nintendo Wii Supreme — $497,300
Nintendo Wii is discontinued now, but Stuart Hughes has made sure that it remains relevant for gamers living a luxurious life. With only three units made, the device costs a hefty $497,300. The Nintendo Wii Supreme is made using solid 22-carat gold, weighs over 2.5kg and takes six months to craft. The front buttons are made using 78x0.25-carat flawless diamonds, weighing a total of 19 carat.
Sony PlayStation 3 Supreme — $331,500
Sony PlayStation 3 Supreme — $331,500
Sony’s PlayStation 3 may be outdated too, but Stuart Hughes has made the device a memorabilia for gamers. The Sony PlayStation 3 Supreme is a $331,500 gaming console that is made using solid 22-carat gold and weighs 1.6kg, with only three pieces ever made. The luxury gaming console has a diamond-studded disc loading slot, adorned with a total of 58 22-carat diamonds.
Steinway Lyngdorf Model LS Concert Speakers — $250,000
Steinway Lyngdorf Model LS Concert Speakers — $250,000
Any audiophile worth his/her salt will testify that Steinway Lyngdorf Model LS Concert Speakers are the closest you can come to bringing the concert audio experience into your house. The price of making this happen: $250,000.

Each speaker has glossy piano-black side pieces and 24-carat gold accents around all eight AMT tweeters. The eight-feet-tall and 16-inch-wide speakers use curved drape made of super-thin bungee cords instead of the commonly-used cloth grille.
Diamond BlackBerry Amosu Curva — $240,000
Diamond BlackBerry Amosu Curva — $240,000
British luxury product maker Alexander Amosu offers a limited edition BlackBerry Curve 8900 phone for $240,000. The phone has a total of 4,459 diamonds weighing 28-carat on the front and back. With body crafted using 18-carat gold, this phone will come with free concierge services for a year. The company has only made three units of this device, which took 350 hours to be crafted.
Gold iPad Supreme — $190,000
Gold iPad Supreme — $190,000
If the million-dollar iPads are out of your budget, you can still get a slice of luxury at a lesser price tag of ‘just’ $190,000. With just 10 units in the market, the Gold iPad Supreme is certainly an exclusive item. The back panel and bezel of this product are made using a single piece of 22-carat gold weighing 2.1kg and feature diamonds weighing 25-carat. The Apple logo on the back has 53 diamonds weighing 22-carat as well.

Some Before and After Pics of Syria Will Make You Cry

Syria was once a Large City. Recently a war Started in Syria which made this beautiful country into Something we can never imagine. War can...